Today's 4 main AI technologies

Discover the AI methods used to power current AI products

Hey there AI enthusiast!

We are excited to bring you the first edition of the weekly AI Academy newsletter! Our mission here is to make Artificial Intelligence accessible to everyone, making it easy to understand, democratic and fun.

🧱 Foundational concepts

We thought we’d make a good start with a comprehensive overview of the current AI landscape and the technologies available today.

It's been a wild ride lately, with new innovations and breakthroughs popping up every other day. It’s simply hard to keep up.

We believe it’s time to clear the fog and help you understand what exactly Artificial Intelligence is and how is being used nowadays.

First things first, AI is all about teaching computers how to do things that normally require human intelligence, like recognizing images, understanding speech, or making decisions. And here are the four main ways we do that:

We’ll start with what people are starting to refer to as “Traditional Machine Learning”. These are the simplest algorithms out there, and they work well for simple task on tabular data (basically any data that looks like a spreadsheet). An example application of Traditional Machine Learning is forecasting sales of a company.

We move then to Deep Learning, more powerful algorithms used a lot today on more complex data like images, audio or text. Think of this as teaching a computer to recognize patterns in vast amounts of data and make decisions on its own. This is the technology behind things like self-driving cars and voice assistants like Siri or Alexa.

Next up is Reinforcement Learning, which is all about teaching machines to learn from trial and error. Imagine a computer program trying to solve a Rubik's Cube, it will keep trying different moves until it finds the right solution. This type of AI is being used to solve complex problems like optimizing energy usage in smart homes.

We can't forget about Generative Models, which are AI systems that can generate new content, such as images, text, and music. They use algorithms to generate content that looks and sounds like it was created by humans. We’re pretty sure you heard of companies such as OpenAI and its models DALL-E and ChatGPT. There’s so much interest in it that we’re even working on a course about how to enhance your job with GPT-3.

So there you have it, a quick rundown of the AI landscape.

We are pretty sure we’ll have to update this list in a short time, but it works for now.

Isn’t it an exciting time to be involved in this field?

🗞️ AI news from the world

Let’s move on with our selected piece of news.

Microsoft has teamed up with OpenAI's ChatGPT and integrated it into Bing to take on Google's search engine. ChatGPT provides fast and cheap answers, but it's not always 100% accurate.

Some businesses are using it to write papers and articles, but the results are often questionable. Even with its flaws, ChatGPT reached 100 million users just two months after it launched, making it the fastest-growing app in history. As AI improves and provides answers, we're seeing a new era of "answer engines," and it looks like the search engine wars are heating up again.

🔧 AI Tool

Time for the AI Tool of the Week! We're always on the hunt for new and innovative tools that can make our lives easier and more fun. This week's tool is one of the most mind-blowing ones we've come across.

Crystal Knows - An AI-powered personality assessment tool that uses social media profiles and other information to help you understand someone's personality and communication style.

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