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📚 Optimize candidate selection with AI

How we use ChatGPT to craft and assess interviews

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Hello AI Enthusiast,

In this edition, we're exploring how to use ChatGPT to prepare for job interviews and evaluate candidates. While AI Academy isn't actually hiring for this position, we'll use a hypothetical Financial Analyst role as an example to demonstrate these techniques. We'll show you how we use AI to help us create targeted interview questions and assess potential hires.

The Problem

Hiring for any role comes with its share of headaches. Crafting good interview questions takes time, and it's tough to evaluate candidates consistently. Biases can creep in, and important qualifications might get overlooked. Plus, there's the challenge of seeing the real person behind the resume. We've been there, and we wondered if AI could help us prepare better interviews and assess candidates more fairly.

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How We Do It: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s walk through how we use ChatGPT to streamline our interview process. We’ll cover everything from creating interview questions to evaluating candidates based on a job description, using a Financial Analyst role as an example.

Step 1: Generate Interview Questions

Let's get ChatGPT to create some interview questions. We want a mix of technical and behavioural fit questions to get a well-rounded view of our candidates.

Partial ChatGPT’s generated questions

Here's a prompt template for you to use:

You're hiring a [Job Title] at [Company Name], a company [Brief company description]. Using the provided job description for this position, generate [Number] interview questions. Include a mix of [Question types]. Ensure the questions are relevant to the job description and phrase them in a [Desired tone]. JOB DESCRIPTION: [Job Description]

Step 2: Develop an Evaluation Rubric

To keep our evaluations fair and consistent, we use a rubric, a set of criteria for assessing candidates' performance. We ask ChatGPT to create one for us:

Partial Rubric Table

And here's the template:

Create a scoring scale from [Lowest score] to [Highest score] and a rubric table for evaluating [Job Title] interview responses to our questions.

Step 3: Simulate and Refine (Optional)

Before we use our questions and rubric in real interviews, it's smart to test them out. We'll ask ChatGPT to provide some sample answers and score them:

Partial evaluation testing

Prompt template:

For the [Question number] interview question for the [Job Title] position, provide [Number] sample answers of varying quality [Quality levels]. Then, score these responses using our evaluation rubric, explaining the reasoning behind each score.

Step 4: Evaluate Candidates

After conducting interviews, it's time to evaluate our candidates. We use the scores from our rubric to get an overall picture of each candidate's performance. Here's how we ask ChatGPT to help us with this final step:

Partial sample evaluation

And here's a template for your own evaluations:

Based on the following interview scores for a [Job Title] candidate analyze the candidate's performance. Highlight their strengths and areas for improvement. Provide a recommendation on whether to proceed with this candidate, considering both their scores and the importance of each question to the role.

Your Turn

Now that you've seen how we use ChatGPT to streamline our interview process, it's time for you to give it a try. Here's a simple exercise to get you started:

  1. Think of a position your company needs to fill (or make one up if you're just exploring).

  2. Use the template prompts we provided to create:

    • A job description

    • 5 interview questions

    • A basic evaluation rubric

  3. Review the AI-generated content:

    • Does it align with your company's values and needs?

    • What would you change or refine?

    • How might you adapt this process for your specific needs?

Experiment, refine your prompts and find what works best for you.

Disclaimer: AI is a tool to assist, not replace, your decision-making. Always use your judgment and expertise to review and refine AI suggestions, especially for important decisions involving people.

If you’d like to explore this further, check out our podcast episode where we interview Hilke Schellmann, Emmy award-winning investigative journalist and assistant professor at NYU, to discuss AI in hiring and how to spot biases.

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We'll be back with more AI tips soon!