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What are the opportunities in the AI Job Market

How companies are approaching AI and what professional profiles are looking for

Hey there AI enthusiast!

Today, we want to talk about how Artificial Intelligence is shaping the job market and why you don’t need to worry. If you keep up.

💼 Job Market

AI is becoming increasingly important for companies in all industries and it's fascinating to see how different firms are approaching it.

Whether it's through creating new AI technologies, finding practical applications of AI, or just starting to experiment with it, many companies are investing in AI to stay ahead of the game.

In this newsletter, we're going to take a closer look at how these companies can be categorized based on two dimensions: size and AI focus. Plus, we’ll see what kind of profiles they’re looking for.

From big tech companies to startups, there's something for everyone in the world of AI.

Let’s dive in.

Starting with the Big Tech (top-right quadrant) like Google, Meta, and Amazon - they're at the top of the game when it comes to both size and AI focus. These companies have AI integrated into everything they do and have specialized AI departments working on different projects. They're always on the lookout for top talents in AI research. The competition here is fierce.

Next, we have the AI Research Startups (bottom-right quadrant) like OpenAI, DeepMind, and Cruise. These companies focus on developing new core AI technologies that they hope to sell to the Big Techs. They're on the hunt for the best and brightest professionals in AI research.

On the other end of the spectrum, we have the AI Product Startups (bottom-left quadrant) like Phaidra and MDacne. These companies are focused on finding practical applications of AI within specific industries to solve specific problems. They're looking for both Data Scientists as well as people with a strong understanding of the industry they're working in, plus enough AI knowledge to communicate effectively with technical individuals (Uuhh we like that! 😉).

Finally, we have the Traditional Big Corporations (top-left quadrant) like Starbucks and Nike. Some of these companies have an AI team in place, while others are just getting started experimenting with AI. In both cases, we discovered some interesting job postings for industry specialists with a background in AI (we like that too! 🤩).

AI is no longer just a fancy tech word. It's now a must-have for any company that wants to keep up with the ever-changing business world.

Big tech companies are on top of the game when it comes to AI, but AI research startups, AI product startups, and traditional big corporations are also getting in on the action.

With AI becoming more and more crucial, it's the perfect time to check out the different roles and opportunities available in this exciting field.

Are you curious about the endless possibilities in the job market for AI professionals? Our AI Career Compass course can guide you toward the best opportunities that match your unique skills and interests.

During the live workshops, you'll have the chance to interact with industry experts and gain valuable insights into the AI industry, helping you to make informed decisions about your career path.

And the best part? We're still offering a pre-launch discount, but time is running out! Sign up now to take advantage of the savings. Check out the program starting on the 20th of March. Trust us, there's a lot of juicy stuff in here that you won't want to miss!

🗞️ AI news from the world

Time for one of the top news from the world of Artificial Intelligence.

Companies are using fancy AI tech to write texts or make images that look like humans made them, making everyone want to add AI to their search engines. The Nvidia A100 chip, which is worth around $10,000, is super important in the AI business because it can do lots of calculations at once. AI companies need lots of A100s to train models and create images, and the more they can get their hands on, the better.

That made Nvidia's AI chip biz boom, with their stock going up 65% in 2023.

🔧 AI Tool

Last section of our newsletter. Cool AI tools!

Have you heard about Scribble Diffusion? It's an AI tool that's blowing up the art world! This neural network learns from your sketches and turns them into beautiful art just by typing in a few words. Whether you're an artist or just love to doodle, Scribble Diffusion is worth checking out. You can create some incredible pieces of art that you never even thought were possible.

And did we mention that it's free?

That’s all for this week.

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